torsdag den 15. december 2011

Thursdays are great!

Dear readers
First of all I wanna tell you guys a little about my day. School, then tennis, then homework. Sound like a pretty boring day right? But it actually wasn't. Today we had chemsitry where we made shampoos (last week we made moisturizers!) and history was actually quite interesting. Tennis is always a pleasure, and now I'm gonna make myself a nice, hot cup of tea and make a video for my english presentation tomorrow (we have about the environment).
Hope you all enjoy the week so far, and that you're all excited for christmas :)


Christmas song of the day:
White Christmas with Bing Crosby. It might be old, but I think it's so nice and sweet, and snow hasn't really made it to where I live, so I'm dreaming of a white christmas :)

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